Monday, January 21, 2008

Happy 2008!!

Ok so I'm a little late with that. That's ok. I have been trying to find a job and that has pretty much consumed me in 2008!

I'm back now!

Ok so one of the things I wanted to talk about since its a new year, fresh start, etc.. is money management software. I'm talking about programs such as Quicken, Microsoft Money, etc..

I had never used a program like this before. I know its shocking, since I write about this subject, you would think I would use one of these programs. I guess I just never got around to it. I knew where my money went. This year I decided I wanted to get even more 'intimate' with my finances.

I purchased Quicken, mostly because I found a code online that gave me the $30 program for $24. It took a little bit to get started and get my accounts linked but now that I have it figured out I LOVE THIS PROGRAM!

I can track every single penny that goes in and out, even cash, and put them in categories. This is especially helpful for me because, while I budget my money, I still tend to 'waste' money on eating out, shopping, etc. I knew I could do better!

So its just January, but I have made a promise with myself that I would carry this throughout 2008. I definitely recommend this to anyone who is serious about tracking their spending... More to come on this in February.